Wednesday, September 18, 2019

When can I stop being patient........?

Real Talk.....

I'm laughing writing this tonight as I think about how absolutely obnoxious it is when I tell my boys I will get them something and my voice is followed by a trail of "When momma?" "Is it time now?" "Why is it taking sooooooo long?" All with the added bonus of WHINING....................If I am able to say I hate something, whining followed by impatience would be my top things I LOATHE!

But have you ever stopped to think about how we sound to God?

God promises something amazing in our life.....We are beyond thrilled and "prepared" to be patient because Hey, if He said it, He meant it.
A week goes by and all hell breaks loose in the circumstances surrounding your breakthrough, but you are patient knowing He spoke to your spirit.

A month goes by things settle but still no promise, still holding fast.......

A year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 ......... Ummmm God? Are you even seeing what's going on? Did I hear you? Did you mean to speak that promise to someone else? I could really use that promise right about now or better yet 10 years ago.....When can I stop being patient and just receive this promise already????? The whining begins.....

I would be absolutely lying if I said I haven't been there and thought to myself, "Did I just miss it?"

Right now, this very moment, I have many unfulfilled promises. Some I know it's not the right season, others were delayed because things in my mind and heart needed to line up BUT what about the ones that are so close you can taste it......It's like when Thanksgiving dinner has been cooking all day and you have fasted to be able to devour every morsel you possibly can, so 1 pm comes and dinner is at 7pm you've been patiently waiting, biding your time, but man the fragrant aromas coming from the kitchen have invading your entire being and you start asking, is it done? Can I just have a taste? Do we have burnt pieces that you set aside? Anything?
Get the picture?

We hear from God and get weary in the waiting. We strive to contently and with hope wait and know that He who promised will bring that promise to completion but sometimes we just can't wait any longer. WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?

ok ok bible time....

Isaiah 40:31
We quote it, sing it, pray it, speak it out BUT do we really get it?

They that WAIT; Hebrew word Qavah means to expect; gather together; look patiently for; wait for or upon

They will be renewed in their strength to wait, they will run and not grow weary; walk and not faint.

So why do we get tired and impatient and sometimes downright grumpy and whiny?

Because when we don't make the conscious decision to shutdown, distraction; this includes time, words, actions, feelings, thoughts, hurts etc that are contrary to the promise we start to allow a small amount of doubt in and the more distraction you allow the more doubt creeps in.

Patience is a fruit of the spirit. The fruit of the spirit isn't like the gifts,It isn't given as He wills. Why do I say this because the fruit of the spirit is simply that, fruit it is a by product of your relationship and time with God in His word and presence. Someone said to me one time, "If you ask God for patience He'll give you a room full of sick people." Get it? Patients/Patience 😏😏 Guess what I NEVER did after that? Yep, this genius didn't pray for it, in fact I didn't pray for most of the fruit to be active in my life out of fear, another blog for another day......... My point is patience is a vital fruit without patience we can't fully operate in faith. Without patience we try and eat the burnt scraps. Without patience we will miss out on some of the most incredible things that God has for us.

I'll say this..... I have 3 wild.....I mean wonderful, little boys and I'll never forget from the moment of finding out I was pregnant with each one, I couldn't to find out what I was having and then I couldn't wait to hold those sweet babies. But as any mom can attest to that last month is like 1 year and then finally the day comes and although we're excited, the journey isn't quite over, there is LABOR!!!!!! That's not a picnic, I've had amazing labors and deliveries but they were still work, exhausting, hard and painful work. It all leads up to the promise being placed in your arms at the end. You forget about the time it took, the hurt, pain etc nothing in that moment matters.
That's what happens when you are patient to the end, you receive the beautiful, glorious promise that nobody can take away. You don't get it too early and never too late, when you are patient and just trust!!!!

Verses to use:
Romans 12:12
Galatians 6:9
2Peter 3:9
2Peter 3:8

Perfect biblical example read the story of Jacob and Esau found in Genesis 25:29-34

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