Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Becoming Super MOM

I know, I know I already hear the sighs and the clicking of the mouse to get off this post. The tired moms (ME), the single moms, working moms, stay at home moms, military moms and all the moms in between.

But what actually makes a Super mom, a Super mom?

Sure we see the image of the full makeup and hair mom, baby on the hip, toddler smiling and cleaning his toys, all while the house is in perfect shape. We shrug as we look at our imperfections compared to her. I'll be the first to admit I was so embarrassed when I saw the mom posts of "look at how clean my house looks" (true story) or the mom who always looks put together and the kid is always in ironed matching clothes.

Let's be honest Mom life is HARD. No matter what your mom life looks like, it's work! Keeping tiny humans alive, happy and healthy while making sure the house doesn't look like Toys R US blew up. Then you add all the extra stuff:
  • Cooking
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Laundry
  • Showering alone once a week.....a month
  • Homeschooling
  • Sporting Events
  • Combing everyone's hair (except for yours😂😭)
  • and everything else that falls to us 
There's so much pressure to do this and that, to look like this and that but momma I'm unplugging the pressure cooker before you explode. Yep, while I'm at it, let's throw that thing away!!!!! 

I will never forget the countless times when I first became a mom and a few times after having each kid, just breaking down and crying hysterically feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and like a complete failure. I still have moments where I have to regroup and think of what and who makes me a Super Mom.


The what is pretty simple. 
Sure I do dishes, cook, clean and all that fun stuff but my kids could live in a tent in the woods with mud all over them, eat wild berries and catch fish for dinner every night. They couldn't care less if I did all those things (I know because they don't want to do it and whine when I do it lol) 
You know what they want, ME! They want me to read books, watch them play a game, play hide and seek, sit with them, snuggle them and just be. That's my main job as a mom all the extra is just that, extra. 
How many times a day do we say, "Not right now I'm cleaning." or "Hold on, buddy, let me finish the laundry" I'm not saying these things aren't important or even that we shouldn't involve our kids in chores, I'm simply saying part of being a Super Mom is the time you spend with them just being  mom.


Now the obvious who that makes you a mom is your mini me(s) HOWEVER the best and only tried and true way to be a Super Mom without exploding guess it.....Time with Jesus!
Colossians 3:23 says to do EVERYTHING as unto the Lord and NOT unto men.
 Now 2 things with this: First, we have to know who God wants us to be for ourselves, our spouse and our kids. We can't try and be what someone else is if that's not where we are in life and not what God has called us to be.....YOU WILL FAIL. You are created unique and differently than anyone else on this planet, no matter how similar you are to your best friend, you are YOU.
Second the only model of the perfect parent is your heavenly Father and He is also the only opinion of you that matters. That's right I said it, your pastor's wife doesn't have all the answers, your cousin with a football team doesn't know everything and most importantly you don't have all the answers. I can't tell you how many times I've felt like I failed my kids and got down on myself, but God NEVER looks at me through my mistakes but through the sacrifice of Jesus and that's how I need to see myself. Through His image of you and following His design for you and your family you can overcome ANY obstacle and be the most Powerful Momma on the Planet.

So we've talked about what makes you a Super Mom and who to turn to But "how do I do this?"

Here's the Basics...…

1. Sit down during some quiet time (mine is either naptime or after everyone is in bed for the night) Take a few minutes and ask the Holy Spirit to give a daily routine for your family. This will include chores, play time with kids, meal times, bath times etc
*This is ONLY an outline to help you stay on task NOT a rigorous task sheet.

2. Every morning wake up and ask the Lord to direct your day, give you the energy and time to get today's task done ( Matthew 6:34)

3. Know that it's ok to balance life, while you are doing dishes have the kids read a book, watch a movie or just sit and play ( I set a 10-15 minute and stop my chore when it goes off)

Chores that you know are going to take a long time, set a time you know the kids will be ok for longer than 10-15 mins and just focus through it and don't get frustrated if you have to stop and go back later. Also evaluate what truly needs to be done on a daily basis and what can be done maybe once a week or even month, DON'T TRY TO DO EVERYTHING EVERYDAY!

4. Enjoy your kids!!!!! You have the rest of your life when they are older and can help or out of the house to have an immaculate house. Focus on 10-15 minute increments of chores but make sure they are your main priority. 

You absolutely CAN be a Super Mom because that's what you were created to be, we just need to change our image of that Super Mom! God loves you, I love you and always remember to take a coffee break with Jesus!!!

Jesus, Me and a Good Ole Coffee Break

I absolutely LOVE the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning, noon or heck even at night! There's nothing like that first steamy sip that makes you feel like the world is mine for the taking....well, at least that's how it makes me feel.

That's right guys outside of my husband and kids only one thing is more important than that cup of coffee in the morning and that is spending time with Jesus.
Words can't even describe the excitement I have when I know it's time to grab my notebook, my coffee and my bible, head to the room and spend alone time with my Papa. 

There was a time I thought to myself, "How will I ever find time to spend with God?" I have 3 kids back to back. My boys would be turning 1 or just a few months shy of it and BOOM pregnant again. I nursed all of them until I got pregnant and my milk dried up, so that took more of my time and I had to prioritize sleep on top of everything else. There just seemed to be no time to be alone with my own thoughts much less making time for Jesus. I kept struggling in my faith and couldn't really hear God too clearly on anything because "I just didn't have time" All this came to a crashing halt when I realized that if I wanted my kids to live a God driven life something needed to change. I was tired of being grumpy and frustrated, just going to church and listening to sermons. I needed to go deeper and really know Him so I could tell them who He was.

I started praying, 
"God, I need time. If you can give me just 10 minutes a day, I'll spend it with you because I know in taking that time with you, I'll be recharged and able to finish the day strong."

It wasn't long before He answered and I was faithful with that 10 minutes. I'd ask, "What should I read? Do you want me to read, pray, worship, listen, what do you have for me today?" It wasn't long before that 10 minutes grew to 30 and grew to an hour. I would enjoy this time with Him so much I would do my dishes during lunchtime, eat quickly while they played after lunch and all of naptime I was spending time with Him. Then instead of watching a show at night I would get everyone down, eat, shower and head back to my prayer closet. I was having so much fun and growing so much.

You may be reading this and saying, "That's great for you but I work full time or my life is much busier than yours." It doesn't matter who you or how busy your life is there is always time if you just ASK the one who holds time in His hands. God longs to spend time with us, He gave Jesus not just for a ticket to heaven but for a relationship with you and I. To God, time with you is all that matters. Obviously He cares about all the details of your life, however He knows that the more time you spend with Him the quicker everything else can get done. Imagine, something that would take you all day could take you half the time because you are so in tuned with His voice, He gives you a way to do it quicker.

 Listen, I don't have all the solutions to every problem you face or have the ability to map out a daily routine for every single family but God does and He will if you ask Him to.

Just say this simple prayer to Him,
"God, thank you for this family you have given me. I know that taking time with You is more important than anything else I have going on. Right now I don't see where I have any extra time, so help me God to remove the things that are robbing me of time with you and give me just 10 minutes each day that I can spend quality alone time with You. I will be faithful with this time and give you full access, Holy Spirit to speak to me throughout the day and remind me of my promise. In Jesus name Amen!"

I can promise you that if you prayed that and you're faithful with your time with Him, He will give you more and you will flourish in your relationship with Him.

Here's the basics:

1. Have your notebook, bible, pen and anything you need for your alone time with Him already together and ready so you don't waste time looking for things you need.

2. If you are starting with 10 minutes don't try and do a full in depth bible study (that's what I did at first and wasn't getting very far) sometimes it's ok to just read through a chapter, ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate His word and give you insight as you read. This will enable you to get more of the word in you and He will be your study guide.

3. Always pray beforehand and just thank Him for giving you this time and stretching it.

4. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or something stopped your 10 minutes early just ask forgiveness and start over the next day.

5. Remember God isn't looking for anything but quality time with you. Just be you and enjoy your time with Him. This isn't a duty it's building a relationship

Reference Verses:
Luke 16:10
Mark 11:24
John 14:26

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Who I am

👋Hello, Hola, and Welcome Y'all!!!!
It has been a while.... like 7 years while lol. But I am back and ready to get back in the wonderful world of blogging.

Let me start by telling you about myself and why I think what I write is important enough to be posted. 😎 I am a mom of 3 WILD and loving young men and a beautiful step daughter. A wife to a  super HOTT Bahamian hubby💕!!! We live in Florida where the sun never stops and we are about to fully join the homeschooling world. I have a passion for family and ministry and that will be what my blog is all about. Different mommy tips and tricks and different things the Lord puts on my heart to share.
So here goes......

I am not going to start from the part of where I was born and who my parents are because let's be honest..... WHO REALLY CARES? Am I right? I'm not famous or running for office so none of that really matters. I will start from the beginning of what makes me, well ME.

You will hear throughout my posts about me going to bible college or moving around being married, divorced and remarried but even that is not where the real story begins. My story begins when I decided to let the Holy Spirit lead my life. Okay okay let me back up just a smidge...... You see I had been saved as a kid, water baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit at a very young age. I knew God existed and "knew" how much He loved me, or so I thought.

But that realization didn't really come until when I became a MOM!!!!! Yep, that's right, that's when I really started hearing God's voice. Every time I thought, said or felt something towards my kids, I saw the reflection of Him towards me. When I would get frustrated over something I had told them over and over not to do because it was dangerous or how I felt when they would do something loving towards me or others or my favorite just watching them learn something new. You see God was using those moments to show me His love for me whether that love was to correct me or simply to comfort me, I started to see His love in a new light.

For so long I had seen God as a Master, a rough dad, who of course loved you because you were part of Him however He was ready to lay down the law when I messed up and didn't really involve Himself in my everyday life. WRONG, I was completely wrong. God didn't look at me as a disobedient servant ready to punish me or even just a friend that we greet in a grocery store but have no real relationship. God wanted to be my best friend, my papa, the lover of my soul, my healer, the one I run to in times of need or just because I want to sit and chat. Ha ha ha I know sounds crazy right?! But let's look at scripture.....(Romans 8:15-16) The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to Sonship and by Him we cry, "Abba, father." The Spirit Himself testified with our spirit that we are God's children."

Wow!!! What a perfect verse to express the relationship we can have with our heavenly Father!

Back to this story, I began to see this and walk in this. This love was drawing me to a deeper longing of knowing Him more for myself and to reflect Him to my children. I began to desire longer prayer time, more sermons on faith, love and who He is and the best desire was to become more intimate through His word. For so long I had wondered what I was missing. I knew God, Son and Holy Ghost, I knew how to press into His presence so why did He still feel so far away on a daily basis? Why did He seem to only visit during times of worship or prayer? Where was this relationship others talked about and was it actually real? I found out all these things my heart had wondered and all the questions I would continue to ask, all in a little book called the B.I.B.L.E. Yep that's right folks, the book that has been smuggled, passed along in secret, and the blood stained hands of those who sacrificed their lives for what the pages held. I had unlocked a mystery that was there all along. What was this love and passion that leaped off the pages of this book and into my heart?

I am so excited to share through this blog different things that the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to and I now see in a different light. I don't have some new revelation knowledge because His word hasn't changed. What I do have is a different light on the subject of my Papa, who He is, how He loves and oh the amazing things He has for His kiddos!

Through these posts I will share my heart on mom life and how to take/make time for God all day everyday without sitting in your prayer closet and ignoring your family! Having a lifestyle of Christianity is so natural and exciting and the best part makes everyday life more enjoyable. Come join me in this journey and let's become better together.