Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jesus, Me and a Good Ole Coffee Break

I absolutely LOVE the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning, noon or heck even at night! There's nothing like that first steamy sip that makes you feel like the world is mine for the taking....well, at least that's how it makes me feel.

That's right guys outside of my husband and kids only one thing is more important than that cup of coffee in the morning and that is spending time with Jesus.
Words can't even describe the excitement I have when I know it's time to grab my notebook, my coffee and my bible, head to the room and spend alone time with my Papa. 

There was a time I thought to myself, "How will I ever find time to spend with God?" I have 3 kids back to back. My boys would be turning 1 or just a few months shy of it and BOOM pregnant again. I nursed all of them until I got pregnant and my milk dried up, so that took more of my time and I had to prioritize sleep on top of everything else. There just seemed to be no time to be alone with my own thoughts much less making time for Jesus. I kept struggling in my faith and couldn't really hear God too clearly on anything because "I just didn't have time" All this came to a crashing halt when I realized that if I wanted my kids to live a God driven life something needed to change. I was tired of being grumpy and frustrated, just going to church and listening to sermons. I needed to go deeper and really know Him so I could tell them who He was.

I started praying, 
"God, I need time. If you can give me just 10 minutes a day, I'll spend it with you because I know in taking that time with you, I'll be recharged and able to finish the day strong."

It wasn't long before He answered and I was faithful with that 10 minutes. I'd ask, "What should I read? Do you want me to read, pray, worship, listen, what do you have for me today?" It wasn't long before that 10 minutes grew to 30 and grew to an hour. I would enjoy this time with Him so much I would do my dishes during lunchtime, eat quickly while they played after lunch and all of naptime I was spending time with Him. Then instead of watching a show at night I would get everyone down, eat, shower and head back to my prayer closet. I was having so much fun and growing so much.

You may be reading this and saying, "That's great for you but I work full time or my life is much busier than yours." It doesn't matter who you or how busy your life is there is always time if you just ASK the one who holds time in His hands. God longs to spend time with us, He gave Jesus not just for a ticket to heaven but for a relationship with you and I. To God, time with you is all that matters. Obviously He cares about all the details of your life, however He knows that the more time you spend with Him the quicker everything else can get done. Imagine, something that would take you all day could take you half the time because you are so in tuned with His voice, He gives you a way to do it quicker.

 Listen, I don't have all the solutions to every problem you face or have the ability to map out a daily routine for every single family but God does and He will if you ask Him to.

Just say this simple prayer to Him,
"God, thank you for this family you have given me. I know that taking time with You is more important than anything else I have going on. Right now I don't see where I have any extra time, so help me God to remove the things that are robbing me of time with you and give me just 10 minutes each day that I can spend quality alone time with You. I will be faithful with this time and give you full access, Holy Spirit to speak to me throughout the day and remind me of my promise. In Jesus name Amen!"

I can promise you that if you prayed that and you're faithful with your time with Him, He will give you more and you will flourish in your relationship with Him.

Here's the basics:

1. Have your notebook, bible, pen and anything you need for your alone time with Him already together and ready so you don't waste time looking for things you need.

2. If you are starting with 10 minutes don't try and do a full in depth bible study (that's what I did at first and wasn't getting very far) sometimes it's ok to just read through a chapter, ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate His word and give you insight as you read. This will enable you to get more of the word in you and He will be your study guide.

3. Always pray beforehand and just thank Him for giving you this time and stretching it.

4. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or something stopped your 10 minutes early just ask forgiveness and start over the next day.

5. Remember God isn't looking for anything but quality time with you. Just be you and enjoy your time with Him. This isn't a duty it's building a relationship

Reference Verses:
Luke 16:10
Mark 11:24
John 14:26

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this with us . I’m sure as moms we can all relate . This was a truly a blessing to read and very encouraging .
